Cardinal Points


A detailing layer is available in RISA-3D that lets you set the "true" elevations and locations start/end, top of steel, etc...) for all members. For each member you can describe the connection point at member ends.

The areas where member detailing parameters can be added/viewed are:

Note: The Member Detailing information listed above is only visible if the setting "Show Detailing Info for members (CIS/2 Translator only)" is checked. It is accessible from the 3D Button Application Settings button General tab.

For each end of the member, both cardinal point positions and decimal local offsets are used to described the connection location. The location of the cardinal point is plotted as follows:

Cardinal point Location and Local Axis

Click on image to enlarge it


Cardinal point 1:lower left corner of the member section bounding box
Cardinal point 2:lower center point in the member section bounding box
Cardinal point 3:lower right corner of the member section bounding box
Cardinal point 4:mid-depth left point in the member section bounding box
Cardinal point 5:mid-depth center point in the member section bounding box
Cardinal point 6:mid-depth right point in the member section bounding box
Cardinal point 7:upper left corner of the member section bounding box
Cardinal point 8:upper center point in the member section bounding box
Cardinal point 9:upper right corner of the member section bounding box
Cardinal point 10:Geometric centroid of the member section
Note: Only cardinal point 1-10 are supported by RISA. You can instead use an offset.

The x, y, and z offsets are based on the local axis of the member. The x local axis is defined along the member from I to J. It coincides with the  geometric centroid of the member section. The standard cardinal point positions (1-10), as well as the decimal local offsets are both supported in current detailing definition. If the cardinal point is set, the y and z offset values are automatically calculated and filled in the data structure. If there is a situation that doesn't match a cardinal point (angle brace as an example) you can also set the y and z offsets directly.

Note: The Analysis Offset and Rigid End Offset are completely different concepts from the detailing offset. The purpose of the detailing offsets is more realistic visualization and plotting of the model. The detailing offsets are not considered during the analysis. In the analysis, all members are still connected at their geometric centroid. Analysis Offset and Rigid End Offsets, on the other hand, affect the load distribution and design of the member. They are analysis parameters. In our program, the Analysis Offset / Rigid End Offset are completely separate data structure from the detailing offsets. When Analysis Offset is set for a model, for example, the detailing information is NOT automatically updated to cardinal point 8, accordingly. 

Detailing Input and Modification

There are two ways for setting and modifying the detailing layer information. You can use the Properties panel or the Members spreadsheet to set the detailing information.


When a member is drawn, by default, x offsets are set to be 0 on both ends. If the member type is beam , by default the y and z detailing offsets are on cardinal point 8 ( top center) for both ends. If the member type is column, by default the detailing offset are on cardinal point 10 for both ends.

Properties panel

When drawing or modifying a member, the Detailing Properties section in the Properties panel contain member detailing information. You can choose to “set y, z offset using cardinal point” or “set y, z offsets directly”. When a cardinal point is picked, the value in the “y Offset” and “z Offset” text box are automatically updated.


A detailing tab is available on the Members spreadsheet. The spreadsheet shows a label and 8 values for each member. The “I cardinal point” and “J Cardinal Point” are dropdown lists with numbers and a description. When you pick a cardinal point, the y and z offset values update automatically based on the current shape.  When a new y and z offset are input by you and it doesn’t fall on any cardinal point, the “Cardinal Point” automatically changes to “None”. In the Detailing tab of the Members spreadsheet, the Recalculate button recalculates values based on new shapes.

Note: When the design shape of the member is changed, the detailing offsets of the member is not automatically updated. The Recalculate button needs to be clicked to get new y, z offset with respect to the cardinal point picked.

Visualization of the Detailing Layer

Note: When the Detailing Info box is checked, the members are plotted solely using the x, y and z offsets. The “Analysis Offset” and “Rigid End Offset” are not considered in the plot.

File I/O

[.MEMBERS_DETAILING_DATA] data section is added to the .R3D file to hold the member true location data. [..RF_COLUMNS_DETAILING_DATA] and [..RF_BEAMS_DETAILING_DATA] data sections are added to the .RFL file to hold member true location data. The CIS2 translator is updated to read/write this new data section.